Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Registering to Vote and Selective Service

DC and I attended his 6 month IP review today (No "E"; he is out of school).

Every year since he turned 18 his case worker is required to ask if he is registered to vote and if not if he would like to register to vote. Usually when he asks, DC just does not answer him so I usually do the answering.

Much like requiring him to register for Selective Service, this always throws me.

Yes, I know..... always presume competence. I get that and I do, but in the midst of raising your child and knowing your child, there are things that occur to you and things that just don't. Registering to vote and registering for Selective Service are among the things I never gave a first or second thought about.

Yes, your child will receive a card/letter to register for Selective Service sometime after he turns 18. 

You will think that this is one of those things that must be a mistake and you can just dismiss.


You must register. It is required. (see Selective Service web page regarding the disabled)

As for voting; DC does not know who the president is. In the past, I have always told him when we elected a new president and taught him the president's name (in the past), just so he would know it. When he was in school, I am sure it was discussed and he learned the president's name there as well as from me.. He did not always remember if asked. But he did know the name Obama and when asked who the president was, could usually answer "Obam-ma-ma" (DC-Speak), but that was because he memorized it, as I said and not because he understood what the president is.

I have tried over the years to explain that the president is in charge of, or the "boss" of the country; keeping in mind that he is not really clear on what "the country" is. He knows "United States" is the name of the place where we live, but much like when he was young and thought everyone had the same last name as we did, he does not always understand that there are other countries, other states, other cities and towns. Sure he has been to "others" in all of those categories listed but they are just different places to him - like Disney World is a place.

I do try to explain voting and elections to him when he accompanies me to the polls.

I do have to hand it to him today. He did not give his basic "Yes" answer to every question he was asked, so he must have been really paying attention.

Case Worker (CW): DC, are you registered to vote?


CW: DC, do you vote in the elections?


Me: He is not registered.

CW: DC, would you like to register to vote?

DC: No

CW: You don't think you would want to go and vote in the elections?

Me: DC remember the times you came with Mom to the Art Place....

DC: (Perking up a bit) Art???!!!

Me: No, not to do art. Remember all of the times you came with me to vote at the Art Place? We waited in line to get my election paper (ballet) and went to the booth to color in the circles of the people I wanted to vote for.
Do you think you would like to go and vote for the President some day?

DC: No. I do not.

CW: Are you sure you do not want to vote?

DC: (Getting pretty stern; not angry but wanting to make his point)

I'd say that is clearly a "No" vote on the whole voting thing.

("I really think" must be from a Disney movie or show; not his regular way of speaking)

This blog is used for short posts and also for longer Facebook statuses. Please visit my official blog site at: Taking it a Step at a Time


  1. When my son first started getting Medicaid, he started getting notifications to register to vote. He was 6. You think the government would be smarter than that. But it isn't. . .

    1. I'm so sorry. I never saw this. Yes, you would think they would be smarter, but I think they have proven over and over again that they are not!
