Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Tales from the Day Program - Update on the New Program


I had to drive DC and *Sally to their program today as their driver is on vacation.

While I was there I had to wait for his old department head, *Susan to bring me a check that I needed to sign for.

Details here:

"The Department of Labor had paid a visit there and they discovered that they were required to be paying federal minimum wage instead of state minimum. So they have a check for DC."

As I may or may not have mentioned, I noticed an immediate change in his anxiety levels since he found out that he would be leaving said program and even more-so now that he is completely out of said program.

He has also not felt the need to wear a mustache since that meeting (The Day Program: Ch-ch-ch-ch Changes).

While reading and signing for the sixty cent check, Susan tried to make small talk and told me how wonderful DC was doing in the new program and that she checks in on him all of the time. She asked if he was less anxious at home.

Now... my brain always tells me to let things go but my mouth doesn't always agree, but I did manage to hold my tongue and just answered "Yes" - not very nicely, I will admit.

I wanted to say that I really do not think this is something she should be feeling pride about.

If this was the intention (which was clear at the meeting) then someone should have spoken to me or suggested it months ago instead of  making his time in the old program unbearable for him.

Just sayin'...

More Tales From The Day Program


In case you are new here: “I tell stories, most of the time; single individual stories about this or that. Some may be written with humor and some may come across as “Oh, look at the cute thing DC did or said” (he does crack me up at times) but my object is always to make people understand how his mind works, never to "make fun of him"

It is difficult to explain “his” autism to anyone without resorting to 1000 examples and 1000 stories. So I tell 1000 stories to make clear that there are other sides to autism than the characters seen in TV or movies."

This blog is used for shorter posts, off topic posts and also for longer Face book statuses. Please visit my official blog site at: Taking it a Step at a Time 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Pajama Day

 It was pajama day today (and also DC’s first day in the new department at his program (here if you missed it https://takingstep.com/.../the-day-program-ch-ch-ch-ch.../ )

The one snaffoo was the black pajama pants that go with the pajama shirt didn’t have pockets for his wallet and his phone. #momfail

I found another pair of bottoms with pockets but without the Doctor Who logo which you couldn’t see anyway because the shirt covered it, but they didn't “go with” the top.

He was ready to give up on pajama day altogether because this “set” was the plan and he didn’t want to change the plan to chose different pajamas.

He did finally got over it when I SHOWED him that the logo on the pants that “go with” the top would be covered by his shirt - because apparently just telling him wasn’t enough.



In case you are new here: “I tell stories, most of the time; single individual stories about this or that. Some may be written with humor and some may come across as “Oh, look at the cute thing DC did or said” (he does crack me up at times) but my object is always to make people understand how his mind works, never to "make fun of him"

It is difficult to explain “his” autism to anyone without resorting to 1000 examples and 1000 stories. So I tell 1000 stories to make clear that there are other sides to autism than the characters seen in TV or movies."

This blog is used for shorter posts, off topic posts and also for longer Face book statuses. Please visit my official blog site at: Taking it a Step at a Time