Every once in a while Invisible Strings publishes a post listing the “search terms” that brought readers to his site. I do not know if this is a regular thing that he does, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen more than one. His “search engine” posts are usually written to make a specific point (this post is not). I always find those posts interesting of course due to the point he is making but also because I love the fact that we are able to find these “search terms”.
I have often wondered how people found their way to my site. Of course there are the people who officially follow me and others I know read from twitter (and twitter) google+, tumblr, facebookand the many other places this blog is posted and shared. But how does one just happen upon it? After a little bit of searching through my ‘stats’ page, I finally found the list of search terms. Some were pretty close to what I expected, some were interesting and others a bit surprising.
This is one of those posts that I put together and save to post later when we are away or when I am really busy and really don’t have the time to write. Like the “Blog Title Series” (Series? Yes…. there’s more), they are very often off topic or “fluff”.I like fluff, sometimes fluff is fun.
Search terms between January and June 2015:
There are hundreds of “hits’ that are categorized under “unknown search terms” (so…. I guess THAT would “officially be my top category
). I wish I could see what those terms were, but as they are unavailable to me, I’ll just go with what I CAN see.
I will begin with the list of individual, one-time searches that each brought one ‘hit’ to my page. In almost each case it is clear to me how my page came up in the results. But really, how many results would one have to scroll through to find my page by searching the word – “movie”? That is real determination……
“Autism Ravioli” was a puzzler for a minute but I am guessing the clicks went to “Progress with a side of Pasta” or “Please pass the garlic bread“.
(all searches listed have been copied and pasted exactly as they were entered into the search engine)
charity miles april fools contest
toy story transitions
those of us they never called,when choosing sides for basketball
james taylor and autism
autism ravioli
one step at a time speech
taking it a step at a time – autism
peter pan live coloring sheets
book store blues
was buddy holly autistic
good costumes for the song we go together
autistic child pressing phone buttons in 22 months
top blogs autism blog ranking
toy story transitions
those of us they never called,when choosing sides for basketball
james taylor and autism
autism ravioli
one step at a time speech
taking it a step at a time – autism
peter pan live coloring sheets
book store blues
was buddy holly autistic
good costumes for the song we go together
autistic child pressing phone buttons in 22 months
top blogs autism blog ranking
Next we have two or more searches for the same or close to the same topic. I believe at this point if anyone were to search“band-aids and autism“ it would be difficult NOT to find my page.
kaleb-moon robinson
kaleb moon-robinson
kaleb moon-robinson
mad men a thing like that
mad men “a thing like that”
mad men “a thing like that”
hershey park autism 2015
dollywood autism {amusement parks
dollywood autism adult
dollywood autism {amusement parks
dollywood autism adult
bandaid on kid
has a child with autism ever become obsessed with bandaids
child obsession with bandaids
were band aids based on stickers
has a child with autism ever become obsessed with bandaids
child obsession with bandaids
were band aids based on stickers
Next we move on to weather. This is absolutely understandable. I am sure I write about DC’s storm issues as much if not more than his band-aid obsession……
2011 halloween nor’easter storm alfred
power outages autism upset
thunder and autism power outage change
upset by power outage autism
afraid of power outages autism
power outages autism
power outages autism upset
thunder and autism power outage change
upset by power outage autism
afraid of power outages autism
power outages autism
The biggest surprise for me here is that THE most popular search terms(s) that brought people to my blog had nothing to do with autism at all. The largest set of terms that brought people to me – were terms having something to do with Leonard Nimoy or Star Trek!
logic is the first step to wisdom
logic is the beginning of wisdom
how wisdom related to light in logic
mr spock logic is the beginning of wisdom not the end
leonard nimoy autisim
logic is the beginning of wisdom not the end
spock quotes logic is the beginning of wisdom not the end
of my friend i can only say this: of all the souls that i met on my travels, his was the most… human.”
what is it like to meet william shatner photo op
wisdom is not end
logic is just the beginning of wisdom, not the end”.
logic is the beginning of wisdom
how wisdom related to light in logic
mr spock logic is the beginning of wisdom not the end
leonard nimoy autisim
logic is the beginning of wisdom not the end
spock quotes logic is the beginning of wisdom not the end
of my friend i can only say this: of all the souls that i met on my travels, his was the most… human.”
what is it like to meet william shatner photo op
wisdom is not end
logic is just the beginning of wisdom, not the end”.
I can not say that this does not make me very happy!!!!
~”That is a human emotion, Doctor, with which I am totally unfamiliar. How could I be “unhappy?”~ Mr. Spock – ep. I, Mudd
(Yes, I do understand that the results are a bit skewed due to the “unknown search terms” – so don’t rain on my parade)
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