Many of you know that DC has a complete, over the top, obsession with all things Disney. This obsession began when he was probably 6 months old. He loved to watch those Disney Sing-A-Long videos, over and over again.
DC did not take naps as a baby. He did not like the playpen, he liked the bouncing chair but was over it after a few days. The swing, lasted a little bit more than a few days, but he was quite over that after a week or two. He did not like to play with toys. He was not happy unless he was being carried around. These sing-a-long tapes were the only thing that captured his attention. So yes, I used them because for 30 minutes, I was free to do something else.
He graduated quickly to full length movies. The "Jungle Book" was the first full length movie he owned. I was a bit surprised that he was able to pay complete attention for the entire length of a 90 minute movie at 9 months old.
His obsession with Disney grew from there, especially for Cinderella. The boy loved his princesses! It got to the point that this “one movie” or “one Sing-a-long” a day was interfering with everything else we needed to go. He was so preoccupied with watching a movie that he did not want to do anything else. I didn't want to take his movies away from him – he loved them, but I had to try to limit his movie watching to weekends only. This did not go over well at all.
I remember one night, he was probably 4 years old, DC wanted to watch a Disney movie, I told him he could not. Now, at the time he was non-verbal, afraid of the dark and would never think to go anywhere without me. Communication was rough, he was still having meltdowns and really had a hard time understanding many things – but on this night, when I told him he could not watch a movie, he took his video put it under his arm, marched to the front door and signed “Dad”. He was determined to go to Dad’s house because apparently he would allow him to watch his movie.
DC had officially learned how to play the “Guilt Card”. Obviously he was not going to go outside in the dark, but he did make me feel awful and as always, like the bad guy. No, he did not get to watch his movie, but I realized then that he understood much more than I had been giving him credit for.
Cinderella led to his fixation with flowing dresses and shiny shoes. Out in public, he would grab at strangers wearing 'flowy' dresses or skirts. He would also get on all fours to stare at their shiny shoes. This was not always welcomed by the people wearing the "Cinderella-like" garb. I had to always be aware of everyone around us at all times and what they may be wearing to avoid an uncomfortable situation.
Around this time, I had a long 'flowy' gauze type skirt. It was hand washable of course. I always had to be careful about drying it. We lived on the second floor and I was afraid that if I were to hang it to dry on the clothes line, DC would try to go out there to play with it - yes, among the other worries and issues these were the other things I had to think about. So I used to hang it on a hanger from the shower head and close the shower curtain, so he would not see it. One night, in the middle of the night, I woke to giggles, and some thrashing about. I went into the bathroom to find DC in the bathtub playing with the hanging shirt. I got rid of the skirt not long after.
There was ONE Disney book in his classroom when he was in his “in-between birth to 3 and Kindergarten” SPED classroom, it was the Little Mermaid. His teacher hid this book on a daily basis, because he could not concentrate on anything else knowing the book was in the classroom. Everyday he found it. She went to great lengths in hiding it – finally hiding it in a storage closet where DC had never once stepped inside – but as always he found it. It was almost as if he could sense it.
It took awhile but we finally had the movies in check and he did get past searching for that book. I didn’t want to take Disney away from him altogether, I wanted him to learn to live with Disney but not be overtaken by it. When he seemed to be in that place, it was decided it would be safe to take him to Disney World without him regressing back into his Disney-Obsessed behavior.
I know, I know, you are thinking “Why would you do that”? and again I will say that I didn't want to take away something he loved so much, I just wanted him to be able to function around it.
His first trip to Disney World was when he was 7 years old and it was there that his first words (other than “Momma) were spoken:
Bus (because he knew the bus would be taking us to one of the parks each day)
Room (because we all know how much DC loves a hotel room, even back then)
‘Citronelle’ (DC-Speak for Cinderella)
‘Too-pay’ (DC-Speak for Peter Pan)
‘Dal-may-zaas’ (DC-Speak for Dalmatians)
For a boy who’s only word up until this point was “Momma” – I thought ‘Dal-may-zaas’ was quite amazing.
After a very long hunt, he was able to find and meet ‘Citronelle’ for the very first time. He would go on to meet ‘Citronelle’, many other times over the years and it is still very exciting for him, but nothing will ever compare to their first meeting – ever.

Moving on to grammar school, we thought the Disney book distraction was behind him. Just to play it safe, his new teachers removed Disney of any kind from the classroom before the school year began. We thought we had this covered, but little did I know, there was an entire Library in this school, just full of Disney books. Realizing very quickly that this was becoming a problem, they were removed as well (for the first few months he was there, anyway, then they slowly came back so he was not overwhelmed with a large number of books all at once).
Now that he was becoming more and more verbal, he began reciting random movie lines. The lines he recited did not always have anything to do with what was going on at the time (they still don’t), they were just what might have been spinning around in his head at the time. Some were recognizable right away, others were obscure lines that really many people would not know.
And if you are wearing a ‘flowy’ dress, he will to ask you to spin………. (most people oblige)
DC did not take naps as a baby. He did not like the playpen, he liked the bouncing chair but was over it after a few days. The swing, lasted a little bit more than a few days, but he was quite over that after a week or two. He did not like to play with toys. He was not happy unless he was being carried around. These sing-a-long tapes were the only thing that captured his attention. So yes, I used them because for 30 minutes, I was free to do something else.
He graduated quickly to full length movies. The "Jungle Book" was the first full length movie he owned. I was a bit surprised that he was able to pay complete attention for the entire length of a 90 minute movie at 9 months old.
His obsession with Disney grew from there, especially for Cinderella. The boy loved his princesses! It got to the point that this “one movie” or “one Sing-a-long” a day was interfering with everything else we needed to go. He was so preoccupied with watching a movie that he did not want to do anything else. I didn't want to take his movies away from him – he loved them, but I had to try to limit his movie watching to weekends only. This did not go over well at all.
I remember one night, he was probably 4 years old, DC wanted to watch a Disney movie, I told him he could not. Now, at the time he was non-verbal, afraid of the dark and would never think to go anywhere without me. Communication was rough, he was still having meltdowns and really had a hard time understanding many things – but on this night, when I told him he could not watch a movie, he took his video put it under his arm, marched to the front door and signed “Dad”. He was determined to go to Dad’s house because apparently he would allow him to watch his movie.
DC had officially learned how to play the “Guilt Card”. Obviously he was not going to go outside in the dark, but he did make me feel awful and as always, like the bad guy. No, he did not get to watch his movie, but I realized then that he understood much more than I had been giving him credit for.
Cinderella led to his fixation with flowing dresses and shiny shoes. Out in public, he would grab at strangers wearing 'flowy' dresses or skirts. He would also get on all fours to stare at their shiny shoes. This was not always welcomed by the people wearing the "Cinderella-like" garb. I had to always be aware of everyone around us at all times and what they may be wearing to avoid an uncomfortable situation.
Around this time, I had a long 'flowy' gauze type skirt. It was hand washable of course. I always had to be careful about drying it. We lived on the second floor and I was afraid that if I were to hang it to dry on the clothes line, DC would try to go out there to play with it - yes, among the other worries and issues these were the other things I had to think about. So I used to hang it on a hanger from the shower head and close the shower curtain, so he would not see it. One night, in the middle of the night, I woke to giggles, and some thrashing about. I went into the bathroom to find DC in the bathtub playing with the hanging shirt. I got rid of the skirt not long after.
There was ONE Disney book in his classroom when he was in his “in-between birth to 3 and Kindergarten” SPED classroom, it was the Little Mermaid. His teacher hid this book on a daily basis, because he could not concentrate on anything else knowing the book was in the classroom. Everyday he found it. She went to great lengths in hiding it – finally hiding it in a storage closet where DC had never once stepped inside – but as always he found it. It was almost as if he could sense it.
It took awhile but we finally had the movies in check and he did get past searching for that book. I didn’t want to take Disney away from him altogether, I wanted him to learn to live with Disney but not be overtaken by it. When he seemed to be in that place, it was decided it would be safe to take him to Disney World without him regressing back into his Disney-Obsessed behavior.
I know, I know, you are thinking “Why would you do that”? and again I will say that I didn't want to take away something he loved so much, I just wanted him to be able to function around it.
His first trip to Disney World was when he was 7 years old and it was there that his first words (other than “Momma) were spoken:
Bus (because he knew the bus would be taking us to one of the parks each day)
Room (because we all know how much DC loves a hotel room, even back then)
‘Citronelle’ (DC-Speak for Cinderella)
‘Too-pay’ (DC-Speak for Peter Pan)
‘Dal-may-zaas’ (DC-Speak for Dalmatians)
For a boy who’s only word up until this point was “Momma” – I thought ‘Dal-may-zaas’ was quite amazing.
After a very long hunt, he was able to find and meet ‘Citronelle’ for the very first time. He would go on to meet ‘Citronelle’, many other times over the years and it is still very exciting for him, but nothing will ever compare to their first meeting – ever.

Moving on to grammar school, we thought the Disney book distraction was behind him. Just to play it safe, his new teachers removed Disney of any kind from the classroom before the school year began. We thought we had this covered, but little did I know, there was an entire Library in this school, just full of Disney books. Realizing very quickly that this was becoming a problem, they were removed as well (for the first few months he was there, anyway, then they slowly came back so he was not overwhelmed with a large number of books all at once).
Now that he was becoming more and more verbal, he began reciting random movie lines. The lines he recited did not always have anything to do with what was going on at the time (they still don’t), they were just what might have been spinning around in his head at the time. Some were recognizable right away, others were obscure lines that really many people would not know.
(and yes, that e-mail made his day)While dropping him off at Daycare one morning before school, he bowed to me and said "Thank you Lucifer". Now I know that Lucifer is Cinderella's cat, but really, how many other people could make that connection? Fortunately the Daycare staff, got it but I still felt it necessary to e-mail his teacher just in case, to let him know that, no, we were not worshiping Satan at home.
Now that he is older, he has more of a handle on his obsession. He is not so distracted by Disney that he can’t or won’t do anything else. Still he is limited to movies only on weekends. He will spout the random movie line. He still loves his princesses.While walking through the grocery store "Please don't send me away, I like it here!" (Disney's "Summer Magic" - there are very few people who even know of that movie, never mind that particular line).
And if you are wearing a ‘flowy’ dress, he will to ask you to spin………. (most people oblige)
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