Saturday, January 5, 2019

Snowvee, Miss Snap, Teacher, Good Time ..... Anyone?

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Okay. Help! 

DC is looking up something on YouTube.

He asked me how to spell what sounds like “snowvee” (apparently a character). 

Usually if I can’t understand the character’s name to be able to spell it for him, he can come up with something else to help. 

What I have:

Snowvee (sounds like)

Miss Snap (or Slap or something that sounds like either or both)

Good time 

Grandmothers old house (which means that is where he used to watch it - so it’s been 10 years or more - could be as long ago as 25 years) 

(Yes, I tried googling all of the above)

My mother can remember it vaguely but not the name or characters, but she does think that it was about a teacher.



Facebook Status - October 2018

This has not been resolved.

The Number One suggestion was "The Magic School Bus" but he says, NO.

Also in the "No" pile....


and a bunch of others I had never heard of.

There is a Miss Snap from "Teachers" which does not fit the time frame but he said "No".


This blog is used for shorter posts, off topic posts and also for longer Face book statuses. Please visit my official blog site at: Taking it a Step at a Time 

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