We all know that DC is very literal (see Literally Speaking) in his speech and way of thinking. Aside from his black and white, no-gray-area way of communicating and understanding and his just one mumbled word responses, his manner of speaking is at times very formal, for lack of a better word. Much of his language stems directly from the many books he reads and movies he watches.
He calls the cabinet a ‘cub – board ‘ <cupboard> (emphasis on ‘board’), not because he thinks it is funny, because that is what it is. That is what he’s learned from his books.
For example, when he knows I happen to have a Friday off from work and he wants me to come to lunch at his program -
“*Vickie, would you be so kind to join me for lunch on Friday at <insert the name of his program>” ~ the whole name please, not the Acronym used by the everyone else ~
– (*yes, he calls me Vickie from time to time. In his mind, he is an adult and that is what he should do. It does not bother me in the least. Last night, for some reason, it was “Ms. <Last name> and that is fine too)
He does ask me from time to time, what a word means, not that he will incorporate the word into his vocabulary, he would just like to know. Every once in a while he will make a connection with one word and other in his head. I am always in awe when he manages to do this on this own. This seems to be happening much more lately.
For many years “Wonderful” was his choice when he had a good time or liked something very much. He has started replacing “Wonderful” with “Terrific”. Not a huge deal, but he figured out that it means the same thing and it is a little less formal than “We had a wonderful time”.
A few weeks ago, I was telling DC that we were out of something, I don’t remember what it was at the time, but it was something he was expecting to have for dinner. I explained that we were all out, it was my mistake, I didn't know we were out (things tend to go over better with him when it is my fault :).
His reply???
“No problem”
I have never heard him use that phrase, ever. Somewhere along the line he figured out what it means and used it appropriately.
A while back DC and I were having a movie night. DC was waiting in the living room to watch “Maleficent” and I was in the kitchen getting the pizza ready ~ actually I was in the kitchen bleeding all over the counter trying to find a Band-Aid. Not an easy task with “Mr. Band-Aid” in the house – but that is beside the point. Searching for a band-aid box that was not full of band-aid wrappers but no band-aids and mumbling under my breath – from the living room I heard; “Gee, I wonder what Vickie is up to”.
IS UP TO ???
I wrote that one down as soon as DC brought be a Band-Aid from his hidden stash.
In my last post you may have heard “We have to get moving”.
GET MOVING instead of we have to go!!!!
I asked him to help me open a Peanut Butter jar – he tried, but he could not get it to open either.
“It won’t budge”
Let’s not forget the day he was “in sympathy” for sneaking chips. There have been so many more, but you get the picture. It throws me a little bit every time he comes out with a new one, but it is exciting. It shows me that he is paying more attention to what goes on around him and he is listening to much more than he lets on.
There are still many literal, black and white moments and DC still very rarely refers to himself as “me”.
Recently at a Best Buddy walk, both of his Buddies asked him where he got the Star Trek shirt he was wearing…..
“DC’s room”
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