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This is just going to be one of those posts that is fun for me and really not “autism-related”, except to say that much like DC, I always have music in my head – always. And also much like DC, I can pull out an obscure or very old song or just a line from a song and actually think people will recognize it.
You may (or may not) have noticed that I use quite a few song titles, lyrics or variations thereof as blog titles. I do this because music is always the first thing that pops into my head when giving a title to a blog. Once it is in my head, it’s there and even if the actual song has nothing to do with the post itself, I have to use it and I have to type it the way I am hearing it in my head – e.g. All the……small things.
Yes, I do understand that most or maybe all of you are not reading it the way I am hearing it, or you might just be to young to even recognize some of the song titles or lines. So now, as DC would say ” Sit back, relax and enjoy the music in Mom’s head”:
“Ooh you’re a holiday… every day …such a holiday” – Happy Mother’s Day
Bicycle races are coming your way…. (How the times have changed)
All the…. small things
Gimme head with hair
Take the long way home……. #1000speak
You wear it well….
I can see clearly now….
“And those whose names were never called when choosing sides for basketball” #1000speak
I got the music in me….
The ice, the grass and other things…..
So there you have it…
I’ll save the rest for another time…
(This post and one or two others were pre-written and pre-scheduled before we left on our vacation – I am not sure at the time I am writing what kind, if any internet access I will have once there or just how costly it will be to use. So have a wonderful week to 10 days and we will “see” you when we get back)