Thursday, March 12, 2015

March Flashback -“A Little Bit of Faith” and Happy Birthday, Mrs. F!

March is normally a very busy month for us. DC and I are both March “babies” and as you may (or you may not) know, DC views his birthday as if it were a National Holiday – I admit that I might be a bit guilty of planting that thought into his head ….. just a bit.

Other than the birthday observations/festivities, the theater season is in full swing so he is volunteering there more often than he does the rest of the year.
We are also right in the middle of Winter Guard season.
Winter Guard season runs from January through mid-April with an additional show in June at the Special Olympics Summer Games Opening Ceremonies.
The friends and family show is always the first show of the season. So far this season at least 3, possibly 4 practices have been cancelled due to the never-ending snow we have been cursed with this winter. So many rehearsals were cancelled that the team was still putting this routine together 15 minutes before this show began on Monday. This team and their coaches were still able to pull it together and put on a great show!  This show will continue to evolve and change right up to the last show  in June.
(This video was cartooned (cartoonized?) to ensure the anonymity of the participants)

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