So long 2015 – My Year In Review
Last year around this time I received an e-mail from WordPress of my year in review. I haven’t received that yet so I decided to just wing it. I do realize that the stats are a bit off because my Instagram friends have to hit my home page for each post and there is no way to determine what posts were there at the time. “Home Page/ Archives” being number 1 (technically) – let’s move on….
#10: A post from the very first #1000speak
“And those whose names were never called when choosing sides for basketball” #1000speak
As I wrote in a comment; I thought that was going to be a quick post to write but it turned out to be very difficult. I wanted to give enough information so people would not come away thinking that DC is afraid of his Dad, which is absolutely not the case. But again I didn’t want the post to go on and on. It was a struggle from beginning to end.
“Will there be Cake?”
In this case I was glad to have read the comments so that the whole thing could be corrected.
Clarification, The Mighty and Airport Security
I was surprised that this made it into the top 10. It was really just a rerun with the addition of a bit of a vent.
Holy Inappropriate Conversation, Batman! – Stories from the Dental Chair
This was the first “official” post in my “Everything is Related” Series – and there are so many more that I have yet to write (7 months later; I still have not written “Everything is Related – The UK Edition”, but I did manage to cover the Dr. Who portion – Priorities!)
Everything is related – Mary Poppins to New York City
According to the “My Top Posts and Pages” feed on the sidebar of my page, this one comes in at #1 (I do not really understand the difference in the feed and the stats – maybe someone who understands this will explain it to me)
…and sometimes a smile is all that we need #1000speak #Compassion
“Arrival Anxiety”
“Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end.”
and the realization that I am still guilty of taking for granted that he will just automatically understand something – for example… after years of wearing goggles for Special Olympics Swimming he finally realized that he could open his eyes in the water. It never occurred to me to tell him that – but that was another story…
Please pass the garlic bread…
Off we go….. (almost)
The top post from 2013 was written about the first season of summer camp post high school.
This was the first season that DC was not able to attend camp for the entire summer due to his work program. It made me sad. It was a milestone that I was not ready to reach.
We can’t have it both ways…. but it’s still a little bit sad.
Dc’s Letter to His Best Buddy, Steve
My favorites change quite often, but right now – “these are them” in no particular order and from no particular year:
“To Sami, Love Daddy”
File under: “Rules I thought I would never have to make”
But does he know?
“Hi Mom! Did you have a nice day?”
And just to end the year on an even happier note – search engine referrals; search terms that bring people to my page?
Still reigning as the number 1 search term (s) for 2015 – many combinations regarding Star Trek and Mr. Spock!
So, Happy New Year everyone. Thank you so much for reading over these past 3 years.
DC and I wish you all a Happy and Healthy 2016!
I have now received the WordPress email. My top 5 (as far as they go) matches theirs.
#10: A post from the very first #1000speak
“And those whose names were never called when choosing sides for basketball” #1000speak
I was not going to participate in #1000speak today because and only because, if given a subject and then told; “Okay write!”, I draw a blank. I was sure that in a week or two I would think of a hundred different posts that I could have written, but they were not coming to me when I first heard about this. [..]#9: A post about DC’s love of cake ….apparently.
As I wrote in a comment; I thought that was going to be a quick post to write but it turned out to be very difficult. I wanted to give enough information so people would not come away thinking that DC is afraid of his Dad, which is absolutely not the case. But again I didn’t want the post to go on and on. It was a struggle from beginning to end.
“Will there be Cake?”
DC’s father was in Florida for the winter. He left in mid-November. DC did get to see him on the day after Christmas for dinner when DC, Doug and I were in Florida on vacation. [..]#8: Written to clarify one of my posts that created a bit of a “#%&* Storm” (a minor one) over on the Mighty.
In this case I was glad to have read the comments so that the whole thing could be corrected.
Clarification, The Mighty and Airport Security
A little over a week ago as I was preparing for a trip to Paris and London, I wrote a post about the preparations and the issue we had with my son during a security check on one of our recent trips.#7 – A rerun, basically.
At the same time, the Mighty was asking for travel, airline and airport stories. I submitted a portion of the story I had just written about DC and the TSA Agent at the Charlotte Airport back in October [..]
I was surprised that this made it into the top 10. It was really just a rerun with the addition of a bit of a vent.
Holy Inappropriate Conversation, Batman! – Stories from the Dental Chair
I had a dental appointment last week. Years ago, I requested never to be scheduled with one particular hygienist. The first time I saw her, I left there feeling as if my mouth had been ripped apart. As it turned out, she has a child with autism. I made the mistake of telling her that DC also has autism. Mistake? Yes! Mistake! This was the most uncomfortable and painful appointment I have ever had! [..]#6 – One of my favorites!
This was the first “official” post in my “Everything is Related” Series – and there are so many more that I have yet to write (7 months later; I still have not written “Everything is Related – The UK Edition”, but I did manage to cover the Dr. Who portion – Priorities!)
Everything is related – Mary Poppins to New York City
I threatened in an earlier post – a few of them as a matter of fact – I would someday write about how, in DC’s world, everything is somehow related to Disney or some of the other movies he enjoyed as a child and still enjoys now as an adult. Originally I thought this would just be a fun post to write, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized: [..]#5 – Another post for #1000speak.
According to the “My Top Posts and Pages” feed on the sidebar of my page, this one comes in at #1 (I do not really understand the difference in the feed and the stats – maybe someone who understands this will explain it to me)
…and sometimes a smile is all that we need #1000speak #Compassion
Compassion comes in many forms and at times just the smallest thing – a glance or a smile can mean more than the grand gesture.#4 – Remembering the torture that used to be – Birthday Parties
I was away and not able to participate in the May 20th #1000speak and due to some unplanned/unforeseen issues going on at the moment, I thought I wouldn’t have the opportunity to participate this time around…..
Then I saw this post from a friend of mine and it made me smile. It made me smile each and every time I read it and on a day when I really needed a smile. [..]
“Arrival Anxiety”
“Arrival Anxiety” – that is what I have always called it. It is, in my mind the best way to describe it.#3 – No explanation required….
It does not matter where we are going or how often we have or haven’t been there – it happens. I see the change in his demeanor immediately. It happens so quickly – like walking though a door; on one side he is happy and the other side he is full of anxiety.
I always dreaded the birthday party invitation when he was little. [..]
“Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end.”
Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end.” ~ Mr. Spock#2 – A post about the way DC’s mind works
From the post that I re-blogged yesterday: To Boldly Go…..
I admit it…
I am just a big old Sci-fi geek from way back. I watched the first episode of Star Trek back in 1966/1967 (?) and I was hooked – for life.
The first “sign” that DC learned when he was very young (for those of you that may not know, DC was non-verbal until he was 7 years old) was the “Live Long and Prosper” sign. If and when he saw a picture of Mr. Spock or heard him mentioned, he used that sign.
I’ve been in love with Star Trek and Mr. Spock since the very first episode aired back in the 60’s. [..]
and the realization that I am still guilty of taking for granted that he will just automatically understand something – for example… after years of wearing goggles for Special Olympics Swimming he finally realized that he could open his eyes in the water. It never occurred to me to tell him that – but that was another story…
Please pass the garlic bread…
It is always funny when I realize something that has never occurred to DC, until it does finally does occur to him.And coming in at #1 – A miserable experience at the airport….
For those that may not be aware – DC LOVES bread! Bread, bread, bread, bread and more bread. Bagels, rolls, toast, breadsticks……BREAD!
He is very picky about everything else he eats – not that you would know that by looking at him – believe me he is very picky, but bread is one of the few constants on the very limited list of foods that he will eat. [..]
Off we go….. (almost)
I just finished reading a post from Autism-Mom, PREPARATION AND PANIC about the preparations for their big trip coming up – or should I say the “mind-race while one is trying to sleep” -preparations she is making for her family trip.So there you have my 2015 blogging year in review but now just a quick look back a little further…
I had to laugh out loud as I have been doing the same thing. Our trip is just a couple of days away and along with the “mind-race” and the anxiety about being the absolute worst packer in the world, there is work to contend with. [..]
The top post from 2013 was written about the first season of summer camp post high school.
This was the first season that DC was not able to attend camp for the entire summer due to his work program. It made me sad. It was a milestone that I was not ready to reach.
We can’t have it both ways…. but it’s still a little bit sad.
Today was my son’s first day attending day camp this summer. He has attended this camp since he was 5 – he’s 22 now.The Top Post from 2014 and according to WordPress, the day it was posted is still my all-time “best day ever” – A post about the end of another era….
Every summer he was able to attend camp all summer long, even staying after until 8pm for a special after camp program they hold twice a week. He loves it there. [..]
Dc’s Letter to His Best Buddy, Steve
DC has been involved in the Best Buddy program, since he was in middle school. Steve has been DC’s Buddy for the past three years. As I’ve told him many times, he is the best, most involved Buddy DC has ever had. Steve will be graduating from college this May. He will be either heading to Boston or back home. In either case, he will not be living close by any more. We will be sorry to lose him. DC will be assigned a new Buddy next year and that buddy has very big shoes to fill! [..]Just to make this post even more ridiculously long…. a few of my favorites.
My favorites change quite often, but right now – “these are them” in no particular order and from no particular year:
“To Sami, Love Daddy”
File under: “Rules I thought I would never have to make”
But does he know?
“Hi Mom! Did you have a nice day?”
And just to end the year on an even happier note – search engine referrals; search terms that bring people to my page?
Still reigning as the number 1 search term (s) for 2015 – many combinations regarding Star Trek and Mr. Spock!
So, Happy New Year everyone. Thank you so much for reading over these past 3 years.
DC and I wish you all a Happy and Healthy 2016!
I have now received the WordPress email. My top 5 (as far as they go) matches theirs.