Saturday, March 8, 2025

Morning Drive Collection - Travel

 A Continuation from the last post: I will save up a few before posting going forward but both of these have to do with travel, so I am putting them out together.

All about travel and some random anxiety...

Friday, March 7, 2025

The "Morning Drive" Collection



"I thought that since this site has been somewhat abandoned as of late, I might try videos that, in my mind, may take less time to post.

Instead of talking to myself while driving to work (since no one else listens to me), I thought it might be helpful to me to imagine someone might be listening.

Anyway, these may be just random thoughts about me, about something that might be going on around me, an explanation about the way my mind works, maybe some DC, or just some off topic interests"

(The Thumbnails post very oddly here... I don't know why)

01Morning Drive – Spreadsheet Anxiety – February 4, 2024

02-Morning Drive – Public Speaking – February 5, 2025

03-Morning Drive – Birthdays and being the center of attention.

This one kind of goes along with my previous public speaking video

04-Morning Drive – Snow Day – In Limbo


In case you are new here: “I tell stories, most of the time; single individual stories about this or that. Some may be written with humor and some may come across as “Oh, look at the cute thing DC did or said” (he does crack me up at times) but my object is always to make people understand how his mind works, never to "make fun of him"

It is difficult to explain “his” autism to anyone without resorting to 1000 examples and 1000 stories. So I tell 1000 stories to make clear that there are other sides to autism than the characters seen in TV or movies."

This blog is used for shorter posts, off topic posts and also for longer Face book statuses. Please visit my official blog site at: Taking it a Step at a Time