This post is just a little explanation regarding the "Don't Forget to Sign" emails that I was receiving from GT Independence and was told more than once that even though they were harassing me with emails about a missing signature, the problem was on their end. It probably will not make any sense unless you read the original post (which is long).
I did not include this in the original post about all of the issues with GT Independence only because the post was already much too long and I did not want to make it longer.
I do believe that they may just be missing a signature and I did try to explain this to them and my caseworker at the time but I couldn't make anyone understand what I meant. I also explained to my current caseworker, but as far as I know, she hasn't received any more notices from them, nor have I.
From the original post:
As I was still receiving the “You rescheduled your meeting” notices, I then began receiving “Don’t forget to sign your forms” emails.
Every few days I received an email telling me that I missed signing a form. It wouldn’t tell me what form or how to get to the form that I missed. It only told me to expect an email with the form and gave instructions on how to sign that form when the email arrived.
I had all of the old emails for my, Social and Driver’s forms and I could see that there were no forms that I had missed (or that could be signed) but I continued to receive the emails.
I emailed what is laughingly known as “Customer Service” and asked what form I had missed. It took days for them to reply but I was told that I hadn’t missed ANY forms. It must be someone on their end who did not sign a form! So why am I being harassed??
This is confusing and hard to follow but this is why I do believe that they are missing a signature.
If you remember from the original post, Social enrolled before I did because I did not receive the email I was supposed to have received to enroll.
The way GT has this set up, is that my son is considered THE EMPLOYER. I don't know how that works since he is not legally able to sign for or make decisions on his own, but that is another matter for another day.
When Social enrolled, DC hadn't enrolled as the employer.
Social completed his enrollment and I (DC) received the paperwork to sign. DC "signed" Social's paperwork and that was that.
The forms they send are electronic and the only the spots where there needs to be a signature are linked. You can't just randomly sign anywhere else.
Because I completed the enrollment for DC AFTER Social and I enrolled as the person controlling the account (I don't remember the proper title), when we received our enrollment forms, we received them twice. Once set for DC's "signature" and another set for mine - on one of the pages.
When Driver enrolled, we received the same two emails for my and DC's signature.
So when Social originally enrolled, there was no "me". GT wasn't aware of me, so they only asked for and received DC's signature.
When I started receiving the Don't Forget to Sign" emails, I looked at Social's forms and could see that they did not have the extra page that I had to sign myself for our own enrollment and Driver's.
So yes, I do believe that we are missing a signature, but each time they check on it, they tell me we're all set, but I can see on the forms I have in my files that we are not. The forms I have on file do not have the page I need to sign.
Unfortunately, the people answering the phones and emails about this sort of issue pay about as much attention as the people on the payroll side.
So I imagine that I or my caseworker will receive these notices every once in a while and I will try to explain and no one will listen.
So I am not going to worry about this right now.
Hopefully there won't be any issues down the line because of it.
The way things are going with this company, I suppose I should expect some other disaster around this issue at some point, but I can't think about that right now.
In case you are new here: “I tell stories, most of the time; single individual stories about this or that. Some may be written with humor and some may come across as “Oh, look at the cute thing DC did or said” (he does crack me up at times) but my object is always to make people understand how his mind works, never to "make fun of him"
It is difficult to explain “his” autism to anyone without resorting to 1000 examples and 1000 stories. So I tell 1000 stories to make clear that there are other sides to autism than the characters seen in TV or movies."
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